Alakazam lifted two spoons, and then the power of the purple light illusion from his eyes was stronger than that of the ability to control objects in one form. The frozen light began to be pushed to Kota Duck’s own side, and Kota Duck also ejected a powerful water column from its mouth. Aaron thought that Kota Duck had an advantage in this respect. The frozen light was used in different parts, so it would not hinder the frozen light when the water cannon was finished.

The water cannon attack was also blocked by Alakazam’s illusion, but it can be seen that Alakazam is also showing fatigue. It seems that it is quite difficult to resist two powerful skills at a time
At this time, because the water cannon and the freezing light are blocked in the same place, the water cannon is frozen by the freezing light! Aaron also smiled.
Aaron saw that the ice was almost frozen. "Koda duck stopped the water cannon and frozen the light so that the mind lifted the ice and threw it at Alakazam!" Aaron ordered
Kota duck’s eyes glowed purple, lifted the big ice and threw it at Alakazam.
"Kota duck fast water cannon!" Aaron quickly ordered
Kota duck once again used the water cannon to directly threaten Hudi. Water cannon and ice go hand in hand!
"Let Alakazam illusion block two words at a time. At the very least, Xiaoyi’s strength in Alakazam is unrealistic now. If one by one, the water cannon needs to continue to resist the ice that is impossible to choose. First of all, its weight is not right. It is very heavy. Although Alakazam’s strength is blocked now, it is no problem, but I am afraid it will take some time, but it is estimated that the water cannon has already hit it. Now Xiaoyi has a way to teleport." Hao analyzed.
One hundred and seventeen fruits! The champion is born!
"Alakazam teleports!" Xiaoyi ordered, as Hao expected.
"Good Kota Duck’s mind is all over the venue!" Aaron ordered with a smile that Aaron had already figured out that Alakazam would teleport and had thought of countermeasures.
Kota duck’s eyes once again gave out purple light, which made it possible to see a constantly distorted colored light band in one place of the venue …
"That’s where the Kota duck makes the freezing light!" Aaron ordered
Kota duck and horse sent several light blue rays from the first gem to hit the twisted zone. Sure enough, Alakazam appeared there and was hit by the freezing light as soon as he came out. He was frozen into a popsicle, but Alakazam was still struggling in the ice. Obviously, he has not lost his fighting ability.
"wonderful! The water cannon and ice forced Alakazam to teleport and then made the field mind search for the place where Alakazam appeared. Teleportation is a kind of super power, which will produce different wavelengths at the starting point and the end point, but people can’t see it with the naked eye. People call this skill’ teleport’, but Aronli is also a super power, which is invisible to the original naked eye. The distorted wavelength is presented, and it is easy to know where Alakazam will appear, and then make the frozen light attack the frozen Alakazam ice, which is different from the control of the ice. When controlling the ice, make the super power wrap the ice, which will not cause reflection. Now Alakazam must launch the super power to hit the ice if he wants to break free, which will probably cause great damage to himself. In the ice, you must never make the super power casually, and Alakazam’s strength is small, and it is almost impossible to break free by brute force. This tactic is the most suitable for dealing with the low-power super power Poké mon like Alakazam. Now Alakazam can watch the opposite attack, "Xiaoyong sighed and explained.
"Kota duck rushed to make shadow claws!" Aaron seized the opportunity and ordered
Kota duck is struggling in the ice with a quick pace, but it is always struggling. One claw of Kota duck is surrounded by black light, and a shadow claw is used to break the ice and directly fly Alakazam out. The effect is remarkable!
"Fighting Kota duck water cannon!" Aaron ordered Aaron to think that was not enough to kill Alakazam. Aaron thought that Alakazam must be practicing his skills when he was in the ice.
"Alakazam destroys the dead light!" Xiao Yi Nai sighed and ordered, as expected, just like Aaron thought.
"Alakazam got a part of evil fluctuations, a sudden freezing light, and it took a part of his physical strength to make superpowers in front of him. Then he got a shadow claw, so he shouldn’t be able to climb up. But judging from Xiaoyi’s expression, Alakazam should be constantly regenerating himself in the ice, and Alakazam should still be able to fight," Xiaoyong said. "But look at Aaron’s expression and you must have thought of it. It’s really fierce and small." Xiaoyong said with a smile.
"But in any case, it should be this trick to decide the outcome," Kang said.
Once again, the Kota duck spouted a lot of water from its mouth and made a water cannon! Hit the Alakazam Alakazam who fell to the ground, and the horse got up, and a big energy ball gathered in his mouth, and then a strong energy ray was emitted from it, causing a destructive death ray! The water cannon is a way to destroy the dead light. The water cannon was actually broken!
"Because in front of the Kota duck continuous use of high-power skills are now exhausted, the power of the water cannon has dropped a lot, but Xiao Yi Alakazam has destroyed it! It seems that Alakazam is better against Kota Duck or Alakazam. "Ah Hao said.
"No, I don’t think so. There is another trick for Aaron Kota Duck," said Dr. Zhenghui.
"Gotha duck mirror coat!" Aaron big command way
"what! Mirror coat! Can Kota Duck learn that trick? " Aaron shouted loudly, and Hao heard it and exclaimed.
"Generally, Koda duck can’t, but Aaron, the Koda duck, can," Dr. Zhenghui said with a smile. "But in fact, that trick is not a mirror coat, but another trick. The super skill is that the appearance and general effect are similar to the mirror coat. Aaron was mistaken for a mirror coat at the beginning." Dr. Zhenghui went on to say.
"In the beginning? Are you saying that Aaron has found out by now? So what is that trick? " Hao still has questions.
Dr. Zhenghui nodded. "The principle is almost exactly the same as that of the mirror coat. The power of bouncing back can be adjusted freely, but the greater the power of bouncing back, the more energy consumption will increase exponentially. I have done experiments and can reflect up to 4 times the power when the Koda duck has sufficient physical strength." Dr. Zhenghui said, "I think it can bounce back more than 1 time now."
Destroying the dead light scattered the water cannon and then hit the Kota duck. The Kota duck’s body gave off purple light and then carried the destroying dead light. The destroying dead light impacted on the Kota duck’s body and was hit back to Alakazam by the original road. I was taken aback to avoid being hit by the destroying dead light. There was an explosion. Alakazam was blown out and lost its combat capability …
"Alakazam lost its fighting ability. The Kota Duck won. The winner of this Shi Ying conference is Aron in Zhenxin Town!" The referee announced that the whole venue was boiling.
Aaron walked into the venue and lifted the Kota Duck sitting on the ground. "You did a very good job and had a good rest." Aaron said that he took the Kota Duck back to Poké Ball, but his face was not happy at all.
"Great, great! Aaron won! " Xiao Xia Xiaojing in the stands hugged two girls and shouted excitedly.
"But will Aaron be happy?" Sunda sighed and said, "I believe Aaron knows very well that Xiaoyi is not in the right state today, and neither the wind speed dog nor the frog flower has moved. In this case, Aaron has a seriously injured flaming chicken and has been seriously exhausting the Kota duck, or it is a narrow victory. If Xiaoyi’s wind speed dog and the frog flower recover and really make their efforts instead of being so absent-minded, who do you think will win?" The sundae said that the atmosphere of joy suddenly changed.
"Oh, no matter what, it’s an indisputable fact that Aaron won now, regardless of the reason. You know, luck is also strength. Besides, it’s no doubt that Aaron’s tactical luck in this game is wonderful. It’s a shame to be a champion." Ah Jun said with a smile, which eased the atmosphere
"Xiaoyi, what’s wrong with you today?" Aaron shook hands with Xiaoyi and asked Aaron.
"Ah, I’m sorry, Aaron. I really can’t fight mentally." Xiaoyi said with a sigh.
"I just asked what’s wrong with you," Aaron said.
Yi sighed again. "In fact, the frog flower and the wind speed dog are still in the Poké mon Center. The frog flower is too injured to move freely until at least tomorrow. The wind speed dog caused a large number of journalists to come here because of the commotion yesterday, which caused serious traffic jams. Before the game, the medicine was delivered, but it took too long to get a good rest. I was worried that they really couldn’t contribute." Xiaoyi said that Ma looked up and laughed. "But I still want to congratulate you on winning the championship of this Shi Ying Conference. You are strong enough for everyone to recognize." Xiaoyi.
"But I can’t beat you. If you try, I must lose the game," Aaron said with a sigh.
"You know what? Luck is also a kind of strength. In fact, my champion in the Chengdu League was also in the hospital of Xiaoyong Hercules. "Xiaoyi said with a smile and acted like a big brother."
"Really? But this time you beat Xiaoyong." Aaron sighed again and said.
"When we fight again, you can really beat me!" Xiao Yi smiled and said, "But in that case, you should work hard. Ha ha ha." Xiao Yi laughed.
"That’s right. Then wash your neck and wait!" Aaron said
"oh? Interesting. If you have this thing, come and wait at any time. Hahahaha, "Xiao Yi continued to laugh and said.
When the group leaves the venue, the closing ceremony will not be held until Tian Ahao and Xiaoyong decide on the third place. Aaron is very strange. Why should the final be held before the 34th competition?
"Congratulations again! Congratulations, Aaron! Congratulations on winning the Shi Ying Convention!" A line of people came to Poké mon Center and they all said together.
"Luck is just luck," Aaron said modestly.
"I told you earlier that luck is also strength! If you want to talk to me again, wait! " Xiaoyi patted Aaron’s shoulder and said with a smile that Aaron also nodded his head.
"By the way, what are you going to do when Aaron picks you up?" Xiaoyong asked Aaron
"Fight your brother first, of course." Aaron said with a smile.
"Sure enough, but be careful. My brother is very strong!" Xiaoyong said a face of seriousness and no sense of joking. Aaron also nodded solemnly.
"Let’s talk about that serious thing later. Let’s celebrate first!" Sunda smiled and said, "Come and have a good meal!" Sunda said Ah Jun and others also promised to pull Aaron and Xiaoyong out.
I didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect that I really won the Shi Ying Convention. Aaron said to himself when he was lying in the player’s village bed at night. It’s almost a year, but when I look back, it seems like a moment. I just met you a few minutes ago when you were a cute chicken. Aaron took out a Poké Ball and said, But now you are a strong fighter. Aaron sighed, I lost to Xiaoyi in this competition, but I won’t do this once. I want to beat him openly.
110 agreed to fight! Really strong!
"Today is the game between you two, but it’s the finale. Come on!" A group of people had dinner together earlier, Aaron said
"Don’t worry, I won’t lose!" Hao said with a smile
"This sentence should be what I said!" Xiaoyong said that caused a burst of laughter.
In the afternoon, a group of people walked to Shi Ying Stadium, and Aaron walked at the end.
"Di Di Di ~" Aaron’s cell phone rang. Someone called Aaron.
"hello? Who’s calling, please? " Aaron answered the words and asked
"It’s me, Aaron. Our game is about to start." A familiar voice said …
"Really? Where is it?" Aaron asked excitedly
"I’ll wait for you there by the river behind the Shi Ying Stadium," said the man.