The higher the beast’s ability, the more difficult it will be to breed. The amethyst dragon is strong and breeds a amethyst dragon. I don’t know how long it will take, maybe ten thousand years, maybe one hundred million years, and Xiao Xuanwu, according to Xiao Re, it is a juvenile period of thirty million years.

Therefore, for so many years, it has been stuck in the lost place, because it is guarding and waiting for its own child to be born, and waiting for so many years is an end. This kind of injury is more cruel to him than taking its life. Although it is a heart, it is indeed that he is sorry for the amethyst evil dragon.
Life is only ten months pregnant, but I still cherish my life. I will know that I am dead in ten thousand years. Amethyst Nielong has been protecting it all the time. I would rather have been hurt more than let the broken dragon egg be hurt, and it is conceivable that its silence will hurt it.
Ye Chen said that a dragon’s life is a dragon without birth, and it’s not so easy to die. Maybe I can save it and give it to me for the time being if you trust me.
Amethyst evil dragon body violently swinging a few a huge gas sweep to Ye Chen basaltic body that has been blocked in front of Ye Chen Jiabei will amethyst evil dragon weak attack the block.
Ye Chen motioned Xuanwu not to move again. I know that even if you know it will die, you value it more than yourself. The theory of life is man and beast. This is a kind of great nature, but I am you and even the enemy. If I say this, I will choose to believe that even if there is little hope, I will be willing to try if I can really save my child. Don’t you want to save your child? Well, then you don’t need to give it to me, so that you can control my life. I am lying to you, and you can take my life at any time.
Amethyst evil dragon raised its head slightly, and the unknown things in the lilac dragon’s eyes flashed and stayed on the ground. The little human growled in his mouth, but it was still slow, and the frequency dropped a lot.
Ye Chen was afraid to move forward. When he approached the front of the amethyst evil dragon, his body floated and fell on the amethyst evil dragon just beside the dragon egg protected by its claws. But in the end, the amethyst evil dragon didn’t attack Ye Chen. It longed for a miracle to happen, even if it was small, and Ye Chen was close to it. If its claws moved, it would tear his body, so what could it doubt?
Amethyst evil dragon claw finally loosened Ye Chen’s mind and touched his hand to the crack all over the dragon egg. Warm Ye Chen’s heart moved again.
Life in it is slowly losing. Although it is impossible to live in this way for several years, it will take a long time for life to be exhausted, and if its vitality is endless, he will definitely save it.
Ye Chen slowly closes his eyes and enters the fifth floor. The loss of life suddenly stops after a short delay and slowly recovers.
Dragon’s life is much tougher than human life, and it needs great strength to wake up. Ye Dachen’s strength is extremely large, and the input is kept to condense his mind and restore the vitality of the silent creature. Gradually, he feels exhausted.
Open your eyes, Ye Chen will return the palm of your hand to the front line, cut your finger, sprinkle two blood beads on the dragon egg, and his blood is by no means mortal. Although it is his own blood, it is amazing that he can still understand the blood drops and blink of an eye, and then a small part of it seeps into the dragon egg through the tiny gap.
His blood once again brought a miracle that he had expected. When his hand was about to press the dragon egg again, the dragon egg suddenly made a slight noise. Although it was very light and small, it was so clear to one person, Yi Long, that it was the crack of the egg expanding and the new crack was heard.
The breath of life is very close. Ye Chen resolutely felt the struggle of life inside, and his mouth smiled with a knowing smile. However, his success was so simple, but his heart was not surprised. It seemed that he had felt his feet and body tremble in the amethyst evil dragon body.
The longest crack was propped up again, and then the side facing Ye Chen suddenly broke into the finally broken dragon egg. The little life inside retreated for a little while under the light, and then finally crawled slowly with her body.
Chapter 446th Longjing
Every part of a tiny baby dragon is so small, its body is not small, its limbs are not as big as basalt, but its body is short, but it doesn’t have a huge head and a single horn. The most similar thing about amethyst Nielong is that its body is also covered with a very pale purple, and it is faintly flashing with purple light. After wandering on the edge of life and death for ten thousand years, it finally comes to light.
Small head swinging slightly, small eyes turning constantly, observing this colorful strange world, and soon it saw a pair of feet and saw Ye Chen’s face clearly. In a pair of small eyes, a strange glow was released, and something flashed in her eyes, and Ye Chen smiled happily, and her body floated from amethyst to Xiao Xuanwu.
This is amethyst’s evil dragon roar. This roar is no longer angry or low. It seems that there is a kind of extreme tears and sobs. down came a blackbird feels nothing better than this.
Little dragon’s body was picked up by amethyst Nielong’s claws. Its body is too small to be as big as amethyst Nielong’s fingernail. I don’t know how many years it will take before it can grow into its mother. For animals like amethyst Nielong, the mother is not necessarily the mother, because they rely on not matching but strength.
Amethyst Nielong hurt you, but it’s our fault. I hope you can let bygones be bygones and go back to where you belong. Ye Chendao Amethyst Nielong now told him that his mood had changed from resentment and anger to excitement and gratitude. Amethyst Nielong was defeated by Xiao Xuanwu, but it was not fatal. Without taking a rest, he could take Xiao Amethyst Nielong back to the lost south.
The lost northern area was destroyed in the struggle of amethyst Nielong XiaoXuanwu for nearly an hour, and it has been devastated from the dark forest. The land vegetation has been destroyed, and many people have lost their lives. The lost area has been damaged to varying degrees by as much as one third.
Amethyst evil dragon suddenly jumped high in its palm and jumped to Ye Chen’s position in a delicate long yin, but it was weak after the show. When it was in the middle, it swayed to control the balance. Ye Chen’s right hand released a soft wind and slowly fell to the ground.
As soon as the foot touched the ground, the little dragon trotted to Ye Chen’s feet and circled around his body. His two short forelimbs kept scratching his feet, and his small dark eyes looked at the square and Ye Chen couldn’t understand the light.
Master, it seems to regard you as its relative, because the first thing it sees after birth is you. Naner is afraid that in the animal world, most animals will be able to regard the first thing they see as their own relative after birth.
Ye Chen suddenly said
Wu Xiaolong grabbed his shoes and watched Ye Chen’s mouth whimper.
This is amethyst’s evil dragon roar, which sounds like nai, but it seems like relief, but it’s a little difficult to explain the burden without being taken away.
Amethyst Nielong Longkou is a little bigger, and the dazzling purple light slowly drifts from its mouth and then drifts to the side under the guidance of mysterious forces, until it reaches the front of the little amethyst Nielong, and the little amethyst Nielong is too strong, and the purple awn flashes with one eye, which can shrink back and hide behind Ye Chen’s feet.
Amethyst Nielong sends a roar, and the purple pearl floats in front of Ye Chen. Ye Chen reaches out and holds it in his hand. The light is dazzling. It’s too dense and strong. The thunder element releases thunder, and Ye Chen knows that it’s a small pearl. The thumb size is too strong. The purple light makes it look like a big ball.
this is
Master, this is amethyst, evil dragon, dragon crystal. Alas, dragon crystal is the source of dragon power and the most important and precious thing of the dragon body. However, it is generally impossible to get the dragon crystal because it is killed, and it will disappear with it. It is necessary to get the dragon crystal, and it is willing to give up its strength and summon it to the master to eat it quickly. The source of power is that master Lei will not only become stronger after eating this dragon crystal, but maybe it will definitely make master Leili finish his work. Naner is full of excitement, saying that the dragon crystal is too precious, even in the mainland of God, and it is
Ye Chen’s eyebrows shrugged and turned dull again. Is it me? They brought disaster. Even if I saved Xiaolong, I wouldn’t be so grateful to me. It was asking me to feed Xiaolong.
In the lost land for thousands of years, no, the only thing it can do is wait for the little dragon to be born for a hundred years. In fact, human beings expect to live a long life because life is too short and life is too colorful. For amethyst Nielong, it has lived enough. Death is not terrible for it at all, but it will be a relief. Today, the little dragon has been born, and it can be loved and worried again. What it can finally do is to give it its own source of strength and give it powerful power.